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The Diamond Ring Effect, Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, by Max Goldstein, Wilson High School Class of 2019
My tutoring schedule is full for the 2024-2025 school year. presently. To get on my waiting list, complete this Google Form, AND contact me by email.
You may also come to the Smart City Learning Cafe.
I have been tutoring off-and-on, mostly on, since 1978. I began as a junior at Columbia High School in Troutdale and tutored math and science at Mt. Hood Community College. I developed a unique peer-tutoring program in the physics department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for which I won the prestigious Polaroid Award. I believe in the power of one-on-one and small group tutoring.
For 2024-2025 I am tutoring the following courses highlighted in blue. The other courses are ones I have done in the past and might do in the future. I can only tutor so many different classes in a given year.
9th Grade NGSS Patterns Physics
NGSS Patterns Physics for students who are struggling
Advanced 9th Grade Physics for ​students who desire enrichment
AP Physics 1, 2, C Mechanics
​10th Grade NGSS Patterns Chemistry​ (IBWHS and Franklin HS). I recommend George Penk for AP or IB Chemistry.​
Note: I do NOT tutor biology. I am looking for a good biology tutor to refer students to.
Math​ (any of these can be one-on-one or small groups)
Geometry (Franklin HS).
Algebra 1-2 (IBWHS) (known as Algebra I or first year algebra around the world, but as Algebra 1-2 in PPS)
Algebra 3-4 (Lincoln HS) (known as Algebra II or second year algebra around the world, but as Algebra 3-4 in PPS)
Data Science
AP Calculus AB (IBWHS)
IB Math SL (Lincoln HS); The Analysis versions, not the Applications (statistics) versions.
Note: Not AP Statistics. I strongly recommend Debby Barany for any math, but especially statistics.
I prefer in-person tutoring. However, there are occasional times I can't do this, typically once per semester.
In-person tutoring is at my office:
7912 SW 35th Avenue, Suite #5, Portland OR 97219-2427.
That is above Marcos Restaurant in the historic Nelson Thomas Building, Multnomah Village.
TUTORING RATES for classes other than AP, IB, College Credit​
1 student = $80/hour
2 students = $50/hour each
3 students = $40/hour each
4 students or more = $35/hour each
I rarely have groups larger than 5.
I bill for each group session even if a particular student does not attend.
TUTORING RATES for AP, IB, College Credit​
1 student = $100/hour
2 students = $60/hour each
3 students = $50/hour each
4 students or more = $45/hour each
I rarely have groups larger than 5.
I bill for each group session even if a particular student does not attend.
I keep a Google Doc for each student that I update at the end of each session. I include what we worked on during our time together, what the student should work on before next time, and other notes that help me be a better tutor for the student. These notes also help the student keep track of their progress, and allow the parent(s) to follow along and see their student's progress. Parents and students can make notes in the Google Doc.
I also use each student's Google Doc to track our time together for billing purposes.
I bill once per month. On or very near the first of the month. I use Square (a computerized billing and point of sale program used by many small businesses) to bill each family for the previous month. The parent(s) will receive an invoice by email. Parents can pay by debit or credit card, or bank transfer directly in Square, using Venmo or PayPal, using an old-school paper check, or with cash.
My cancelation policy is this: Try to not cancel. But I know that students these days have complicated schedules and things change. Give me as much advance warning as possible. I do NOT charge for cancelations or rescheduling with 24 hours notice. I DO charge for no-shows and less than 24 hours notice. Everyone gets one free no-show/late cancellation. The second and third no shows/late cancelations are $25. The fourth and fifth no shows/late cancelations are full price. If you no-show/cancel late five times then you are no longer able to schedule with me.
Try to not reschedule. It is easier on everyone to have a regular schedule that we stick to. But, of course, rescheduling is sometimes necessary. When you do need to reschedule, do so as far ahead of time as you can.
Very rarely, I need to cancel or reschedule. Please be understanding when this happens.
See the "About" page for a resume and references.
Anyone who is a descendent of slaves in the US in the last 500 years receives a 50% discount. This is part of my contribution to reparations for US slavery.
Anyone who is a Native American of the Cascade Bioregion receives a 50% discount. This is part of my contribution to reparations for the US stealing native land.
Anyone who cannot afford my rates is welcome to apply for a partial fee-waiver. If your family income is the same as mine or more, you need to pay full price (except for the two discounts above). If your income is one-half of mine, you pay half-price. If your family income is one-quarter of mine, you pay one-quarter-price. My current gross family income for a family of 2 is about $70,000.
All discounts are strictly honor system. I believe strongly in the basic decency of humankind.
Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to support my efforts to provide high quality tutoring to anyone who desires it by making a donation. Coriolis is a sole-proprietorship for-profit business owned by me. Donations to Coriolis or me are not tax deductible.
I offer free drop-in tutoring every Wednesday during the school year at Fat City Cafe in Multnomah Village. My private students are welcome to attend. Click here for more information.